Articles appearing in my LinkedIn Newsletter... The TRUTH Digest

Lies Over Truth

Lies Over Truth

Lying is so prevalent today that it has become very difficult to find TRUTH. TRUTH often hurts, especially when we are emotionally invested in the lies. How then do we discover TRUTH!

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The TRUTH of Quality Thinking

The TRUTH of Quality Thinking

Quality Thinking is a deliberate act. We are all capable of doing it but it will not come naturally to everyone.

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Get Comfortable with Being Uncomfortable

Get Comfortable with Being Uncomfortable

Find out how pushing past your limits can enhance personal development.

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So, the next time you find yourself going down the "nothing will ever change" or "there’s nothing I can do that will make a difference" rabbit hole of negative thoughts, try to step back for a moment and take a more realistic view. Challenge yourself, find the TRUTH in the situation.

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The Most Powerful Force on the Planet

The Most Powerful Force on the Planet

We believe that if we could only solve our conflicts and strife, we could solve all our problems. Nothing could be further from the truth. Our conflicts do not hold us back; it is quite the opposite, they are, in fact, the secret to solving our problems. It is this ability to face our problems, face what is opposing our progress, that helps us find solutions.

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Defining Moments

Defining Moments

The most important part of defining moments are how we react to them. If negative, are they “bumps in the road” or mountains to be climbed. Do we see them as opportunities, distractions, or even misdirection’s along our life paths?

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