Absolute TRUTH

There is only one truth, in most cases.

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We Should Not Forget....

Lincoln's Gettysburg Address

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The Choices We Make

There are a number of things out of our control in life, but we have choices. Almost every choice we make has circumstances.

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Never Give Up...Perseverance

Setbacks are natural, we all have them in life. How we deal with them is the difference between success and failure. Perseverance is that human characteristic that allows us to keep on, keeping on in the face of adversity, and when we could always do more.

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The Art of Listening

The Art of Listening requires hard work, requiring practice, skill, inspiration, and a teachable spirit. It comes from a desire to understand others and what they are thinking.

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The Nature of Fear

Question everything! Do not allow yourself to be controlled by fear, especially fear designed to control you.

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Finding a balance between discontentment and thanksgiving in life

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A Time for Leadership

What are the traits we must seek in the leaders emerging from our current crisis? These questions may help.

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I've Reached a Milestone...1,000 contacts

I have now reached out to 1,000 contacts on my quest to reach all 3,000+ LinkedIn conacts

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Connecting with others in these difficult times

I am on a quest to reach out to my over 3,000 contacts on LinkedIn

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Change is the Only Constant

Our current crises will produce changes in the way we live. How we adapt to these changes will determine how we live in the future.

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Change is what people fear the most but would give almost anything to have in their lives!

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